výstavy, veletrhy, reklama, konference




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Zvolte spolupráci s INTEXPO


Vaše spokojenost je naše priorita


  • léty prověřená kvalita služeb
  • nebojíme se ani rozsáhlých výstavních    expozic od A do Z
  • proaktivní přístup, kreativita a moderní    design
  • flexibilita, vstřícnost, profesionalita


   The preparation and implementation of conferences, training seminars is automatically provided both a solid and an auditorium, but all services associated with the successful conduct of specific events. This is an audio-visual services - data projector, sound system, record lectures, interpreting, translation, as well as on editorial and print collections, distribution, transmission conference lunches, refreshments and full meals, accommodation. The successful course of action is an integral part of the community. Here we offer various programs from a professionally guided wine tasting, attractive service, but as the music.

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