Chystáte propagaci Vaší firmy na veletrhu? Připravujete se na promo akci a potřebujete vybudovat technické zázemí?
Vaše spokojenost je naše priorita
If you plan to participate in an exhibition or a trade show, we can be of assistance with a specific scope of tasks, or we can provide you completely with all services from A to Z. We can start with consultations to select the best exposition location and proceed over an architectonical and graphical plan with 3D visualisation (on demand including structural analysis for double-deck stands) to calculation and schedule. Without any delay and unneeded paperwork, we will start the realisation itself – the delivery of the whole exposition including lighting, audiovisual equipment and advertising, printed promotional products, transport and installation of the exhibits and organisation of catering and hostesses. You can count on our professional, high-quality and timely fulfilled services, as well as observation of the agreed plans and flexible approach in case of necessary changes on your part. |